


Surprising Facts About PETG 3D Printing Filament

Surprising Facts About PETG 3D Printing Filament

PETG filament has really been gaining stride as one of the more useful filaments in 3D printing. Look here for some surprising facts about PETG filament.

The Best Carbon Fiber 3D Printer Filaments

Carbon fiber filaments, which resemble metal-infused filaments but include microscopic threads, are composite materials created by mixing carbon fiber fragments with a polymer basis. The polymer foundation may consist of various 3D printing materials. These filaments comprise small particles with a diameter of around 0.01 mm, in contrast to real carbon fiber materials, which have The Best Carbon Fiber 3D Printer Filaments

What Nylon Glass Fiber Filament Is Used For

You’ve probably heard the rumbles about how nylon is being used to make a variety of textile products. However, you might be shocked to learn that nylon glass fiber 3D printer filament finds widespread use in 3D printing. This is due to its high flexibility and consistency in 3D printing. Continue reading to learn more What Nylon Glass Fiber Filament Is Used For

5 Reasons Why PLA Is the Most Versatile 3D Filament

PLA is a thermoplastic polymer made from natural sources such as maize starch or sugar cane, as opposed to many other thermoplastics made from non-renewable resources like petroleum. PLA is used to make 3D printed objects in a variety of industries, from automotive to food packaging. Here are a few reasons why PLA is the 5 Reasons Why PLA Is the Most Versatile 3D Filament

5 Reasons Carbon Fiber Filaments Are Worth It

You need to know which filaments are suitable for your 3D printing needs to achieve the best results. When it comes to the most widely used filaments in the business, ABS and PLA, there are a few factors to keep in mind. ABS filaments are less expensive and more versatile than PLA filaments; however, they 5 Reasons Carbon Fiber Filaments Are Worth It

Why Are Specialty 3D Printing Filaments on the Rise

Why Are Specialty 3D Printing Filaments on the Rise

3D printing has been a field that has been gradually advancing in its filament usage. Look here to find out why 3D printing filaments are on the rise!