Most Helpful Tips To Dry Wet Filaments in 3D Printing

Most Helpful Tips To Dry Wet Filaments in 3D Printing

One of the hardest factors to control during the 3D fabrication process is the amount of moisture present within the environment. Because most 3D printing filaments are hydroscopic (meaning attracted to water), it can be hard to get them to cure and dry completely under certain conditions. Luckily, there are some very easy ways that you might not have thought of to ensure that your 3D printing filaments are completely dry by the end of the fabrication process. Here are the most helpful tips to help you dry wet filaments during 3D printing!

How To Recognize Wet Filament

The first step to drying wet filament is ensuring that you know how to recognize the signs of wet filament in the first place. The wet filament in these cases will often refer to the uncured filament that has been recently used in the fabrication process. Some of the most notable characteristics of wet filaments include:

  • Reduced part strength
  • Popping or cracking noises during extrusion
  • Oozing
  • Uneven extrusion lines
  • Heavy spilling

How To Dry Wet Filaments

While there are certainly many different methods that you can employ to dry wet filaments, in general, there are a couple of foolproof ways to ensure that your filaments are completely dried. The first and most popular method is by utilizing an oven. Doing so will ensure that the filaments reach the required temperature and stay at that temperature to ensure that they cure completely. Another way to effectively dry your filaments is by employing a dehydrator. Dehydrators are excellent at taking moisture out of porous substances, making them highly beneficial for filament drying.

How To Store Filament

When it comes to storing filament, the most important factor you must consider is using a low-moisture area or receptacle that is moisture-proof to ensure that your filaments are kept in a moisture-free state. One of the best ways to ensure that you are storing filament correctly is to keep some sort of moisture-absorbing desiccant or moisture-proof box. Usually, these boxes will have a rubber seal and will have some sort of moisture absorber inside.

We hope you have gained some insight into the most common helpful tips to dry wet filament when 3D printing. If you are looking for 3D printing glass-filled nylon or any other type of 3D printing process, make sure you reach out to Filamatrix today!

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