5 Industries That Rely Heavily on 3D Printing


3D printing is a fascinating process. You start with a concept, and then a CAD system designs your product layer by layer. Read on to learn about the five industries that rely heavily on 3D printing.


Schools all over the nation have been offering 3D printing as an extracurricular for students. From middle school to college, students can explore a revolutionizing technology that helps bring richly detailed blueprints to life. Students in these classes learn the basics of CAD and design skills and can apply them to a future career in design.


The aerospace sector is a field that’s always moving. It is widely known in the aerospace industry that there is no room for error in making prototypes. To reduce the chance of a mistake in a design, engineers and designers come together to create and tweak blueprints before sending the final layout to print.

There is a considerable demand for quality control in this industry, so engineers must pay special attention throughout the creation process by carefully selecting the best 3D filaments to use on their prototypes. Additionally, production is expensive, and creating mechanical parts without a 3D printer adds up fast, so designers and engineers use 3D printing to keep costs down.


Manufacturing is another industry that relies on 3D printing. Without 3D printing, production costs would increase exorbitantly, causing prices to rise and placing backorders on everything. Manufacturers can use 3D printing to quickly prototype parts and jigs. In some cases, materials like Kevlar-filled nylon can be 3D printed to replace other plastic parts in high-wear situations.

Luckily, 3D printing saves the day. Since manufacturing focuses on producing more products, engineers don’t need to worry about design elements as often. The blueprints are already programmed into the CAD system.


Automotive plants dedicate many resources to 3D printing. Thanks to the freedom of design that 3D printing offers, automakers can perfect their techniques by prototyping with Kevlar-filled nylon to create stronger body armor for cars. NASCAR, for example, uses Kevlar nylon to ensure the car body doesn’t shatter upon impact with other vehicles or from rolling on racetracks.

With the help of printer fibers, workers can create stronger vehicles, parts, and attachments to make every professional driver safer on the road. Nowadays, technologists in the automotive industry are looking to focus on interior enhancements to meet an owner’s specific needs, such as comfortable seats and seat belts that don’t stick.


The robotics industry is another field that uses 3D printing. However, these robots are distributed to other sectors, like aerospace and medicine, to improve efficiency. In the medical field, robots are revolutionizing surgery and creating better sorting machines for pharmacists. Aerospace uses robots to sort parts and assemble large machines.

3D printing has created massive change for industry-leading engineers and designers. Enterprises can succeed more often by using 3D printing. As you learn about 3D printing for your industry, Filamatrix will supply the filaments you need to create your products.

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